I believe that the media has a great affect on the ways people think of things because a lot of people trust the media's point of view. Most of the time, people will believe the newspapers and the problem with everyone trusting one source, is that the information may or may not be correct. If the information isn't correct then that means people may think of it differently than if they actually knew the truth. Also, some main problems and topics that aren't emphasized enough in the media so people can't see topics that have importance to them. Sometimes people worry too much about the little things and don't see the big picture. I despise the media for this particular reason. For example, today, i heard on the radio that an "unstable" woman attacked the Pope. By giving this information out, people will assume that she was a crazy lady. But what if she was a devout Catholic who just wanted to praise her Pope? Then that would be a whole different story.
Practical limitations to media neutrality include the inability of journalists to report all available stories and facts, and the requirement that selected facts be linked into a coherent narrative. Most of the authors who write the articles normally sway their reader to believe in his or her ideas which makes it bias. A bias media will change everyone's idea of "important". Another problem is that everyone has something that is more important than another person. So everyone's "important" may not be the same therefore as having a different perspective. I'm not saying that having different perspectives is a bad thing but it can be when the facts are being misused. When they are misused, conflict and propaganda begin and then that leads to argument. I strongly believe that the media has the greatest affect on our idea of importance in life, but we are ultimately challenged to decide in our own minds and hearts what is truly important.