In life, there are always different perspectives for any thought, idea, or activity. If there was only one right way to do a certain thing, then this world would be perfect. But it's not. I think that our world would be better if we had more points of views so we could have more ideas to expand on. Also, no one has the same thoughts and ideas as everyone else so there will always be a second, third, or fourth opinion. To me, i like to look at things from all points of view. If i perceive something with just one opinion, i will be very stubborn and will never see "the big picture".
As a basketball player, it is important for me to have many options and see the whole court. Since i am a point guard, i need to open my mind and be creative because its hard to do the same thing repetitively when your opponent is doing anything he can to stop you. This is called flexibility and a lot creativity. If the defender is not letting you dribble left, then you go right. If he isn't letting you shoot, then you have to attack the basket. The problem that people have is that they already make up their minds before they even see what's going to happen. A point guard is really like a quarter back on the football field. They have to "read" the defense and see what they're giving or not giving them and then adjust to do what will work the best. I call it a sixth sense because not all people can have this skill of decision making according to the situation.
This sixth sense doesn't only occur in sports but in everything that people do every day. For example, driving is literally just commonsense. But as we can see, some people can be HORRIBLE drivers. It's not that they don't have any commonsense, its just that they can't see the other cars and are just focused on their path. On the other hand, some people do see the other cars but don't care about them and just go wherever they want to go. I try to be in the middle, i will be flexible when i need to be but i can be pushy and aggressive when i want to be.
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