Just yesterday, i created my own facebook and i realized how advanced technology is these days. When i was in elementry school, i loved the show star gate where they had those cool "wireless communicaters" and i thought that would never happen in my life time. But then two years later people started having cell phones, then myspace, then the iphone, now facebook and twitter. When is this ever going to stop? No one knows. I dear that technology will get so advanced that it will destroy our universe and just rip us apart because people abuse the power and the things they have. If you don't beleive me, it's already happening. Rapist, serial killers, and stalkers are learning how to hack web cams to spy on other people. Web cams were made to conversate between people who live far away from each other and can't see each other. Now, the great idea of web camming, maybe an extremely dangerous aparatus.
On the other hand, i believe technology can pull us out of our economic crisis. Also, it can help our society and the way people will live only if they use it the right ways. Like if someone invented something to solve global warming, then it's very useful. Or if someone invents a bi-fuel that has a lot of mileage for cars then that would be very useful. I actually had an idea once about making a bi fuel of carbon because the carbon is what is destroying the environment so if we can get rid of the carbon, then it's all good.
You're absolutely right that technology's advances always bring new benefits and new problems/threats...
ReplyDeleteAs for a glance at where things MIGHT be headed, here's one cool TED video you might like: