Have you ever wondered what will happen in 30 years from now? Based on scientific fact, it is not looking good at all. One of the major problems in the world right now is global warming. Some people think of it as just a major change in weather when it is actually much more extreme than that. Global warming will put small countries and places under water like Japan, Cuba, Hawaii, Alameda and possibly Australia. After watching former vice president, Al Gore's documentary film, "An Inconvenient Truth", it all made sense too me. The main reason why the world is getting so hot is because of the amount of greenhouse gasses we(as in everyone in the world) give off into the atmosphere. When I first heard this, i thought to myself, what the hell does pollution have to with our world getting hotter. But then I realized it had everything to do with it.
10 years ago, the hot rays from the sun would enter the earth's atmosphere, bounce of a part of earth and go back into space somewhere. 5 years later, the same thing was happening but sometimes, the suns rays couldn't go back out because a big huge cloud of greenhouse gasses was blocking it. So instead, it bounced back to the earths atmosphere. From then till now, it has gotten a lot worse. The sun's rays are continuously bouncing up and down between our earths surface and the big clouds of greenhouse gases which are located near the ozone layer. One of my thoughts to this problem is to just get rid of the greenhouse gases. I mean, how hard is it to get rid of a gas? Well after learning more on global warming, it is really hard to get of greenhouse gases. Some examples of greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide, and methyl chloroform. These gases just happen to be extremely explosive. It could be a big problem when playing with explosive chemicals and impossible to get rid of. But if we can't do that, how can we stop global warming? "That my friends, is an excellent question." We have not found a way to solve this problem yet but we have found ways to help the situation including turning off a light when your not using it, unplug electrical things if its not in use, carpool more often, and a big one is to not buy things that are factory made. Factories are a big factory in the cause of global warming they give off more than half of the worlds greenhouse gases. Global warming is way worse than it sounds.
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